LockXLS 2020 v7.1.3 Protect Microsoft Excel against copying LockXLS 2020 v7.1.3

Free Download LockXLS 2020 v7 - The program will allow you to increase the security of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets in formats such as: XLS, XLSM, XLSX

Overview of LockXLS 2020 v7:

LockXLS is the program will allow you to increase the security of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets in formats such as: XLS, XLSM, XLSX, it does this by protecting confidential information with a password, trial period. or other modules. You can now protect your documents from unauthorized viewing and use not only by setting a password, but also by enabling trial periods and activation codes, which will attract advanced users. Highly understand how to work with this application.

The program's interface looks intuitive, allowing you to start a new project by specifying the output directory for the locked files and installation packages. You can include as many panels as you want into your project using a file browser or drag and drop. You can choose the protection method between deactivation, password, trial period, hardware activation code or USB or serial number. Each method comes with its own configurable set of parameters. For example, in password mode, you can combine it with trial protection mode, write message, enter license agreement, display splash screen, etc.


Features of LockXLS 2020:

  • Time synchronization with internet time server. Customer will not be able to delay and "extend" the trial period.
  • An activation code generator is included in the LockXLS installation package.
  • Cannot copy your workbook structure to another workbook.
  • The formula and VBA code are not available to the user.
  • VBA formulas and macros are not available through the COM Object Model. User cannot write VBA code to get your formula or macro!
  • Free LockXLS which you can download below in news, protect your work from VBA password cracking and password sheet.
  • You can add your own protection message (in rtf format with images) to the locked book.
  • There is no restriction on the book to be protected. All Microsoft Excel functions are supported by the program.
  • The software checks to see if all the necessary add-ons have been installed on the client's PC when opening the file.
  • Data in the spreadsheet will be encrypted using a secure 128-bit algorithm.
  • Application has a very simple interface.
  • The product is easy to install and disassemble.

System Requirements:

  • Supported OS: Windows 7/8/10
  • Processor: Pentium IV or higher
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 100 MB or more.

Additionally, you can generate activation codes and test deactivate codes, assign and edit string tables, install or open sample projects, and create MSI packages, among other options. LockXLS lacks requirements when it comes to system resources.

  • Evaluate:
    51 Rated
  • Operating system:
  • License Type: Free
  • Latest updates: 23-12-2024
  • Created by: LockXLS
  • Size: 5 Mb
  • Download: 79
  • Language support: Multilingual
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