Free Download Operant Peak Spectroscopy 4 - Mid IR, Near IR, FTIR, Raman, fluorescence, LIBS, XRF, UV-VIS, Raman and EELS.
Overview of Operant Peak Spectroscopy 4:
Power Tools for Optical Spectroscopy since 2006. Mid IR, Near IR, FTIR, Raman, fluorescence, LIBS, XRF, UV-VIS, Raman and EELS.
Features of Operant Peak Spectroscopy
Peak can read your Data: Peak can read data from over 70 spectral file types.
Spectral File Conversions: Batch-convert files from closed proprietary formats.
21 CFR Part 11: Peak is 21 CFR Part 11 Compliant
See who's using Peak: Peak is used world-wide in industry, education, government and military
Library Search: Peak has complete and powerful spectral library search
Turn Data Into Information: Smoothing, Baseline Correction, Line Out, Normalization, Subtraction and more…