Free Download X-Ability Winmostar 11 - GUI software designed for simulation programs such as GAMESS, MOPAC, LAMMPS, Gromacs, and Quantum ESPRESSO.
Overview of X-Ability Winmostar 11:
Winmostar serves as an integrated software solution, utilizing programs (solvers) for MO, DFT, and MD calculations as its backend. It offers pre- and post-processing capabilities, as well as file and process management functions. The software supports solvers including GAMESS, MOPAC, LAMMPS, Gromacs, and Quantum ESPRESSO. Winmostar is designed to be installed and used on Windows PCs.
Features of X-Ability Winmostar
Comprehensive features for a wide range of professional uses, including cutting-edge materials research, patent applications and academic research writing.
- Build diverse molecular and crystal structures.
- Straightforward and adaptive calculation settings.
- Seamless switching between various resources.
- (local PCs, remote servers)
- Automated management of extensive files and processes.
- Analysis and visualization of calculation results and computation of various physical properties.
- Convert simulation data.